No news in a while! What has happened since 2019? I made a baby (a collaboration) and I made glass a mosaic.
I’ve been making a lot of music and I’m very excited to share it with the world! The new Tomutonttu album is called Hoshi and it will be out soon on Joteskii Groteskii and Vauva. Here’s the first singe Jo alkaa niitty tyhjentyä. The album has a hot cast of guests: Kraus, Maria Stereo and Milo Linnovaara!
Artsy Records will be releasing a Tomutonttu 7”EP called Seikkailun tuoksu. It starts with Kultainen lyyra.
My dear friends MSHR will be making a series of audio visual web instruments based of the material from Hoshi. Right now we are making some music, tapestries and videos together for two concerts at Blank Forms in Brooklyn, December 8th and 9th. Hope to see you there!
Me and Juhana Nyrhinen will be showing some collaborative interactive sounds sculptures (= instruments) at Rajatila soon (Nov 27 to Dec 14th).